Saturday, June 21, 2008

Does Your Business Need its own Car Insurance?

Personal Insurance vs. Commercial Car Insurance

I have been noticing that many self employed people rely on their own car insurance, and that includes business owners who allow employees to use their car for work! Sometimes, even, the employees will use their own cars for this work. But isn't this risky?

Well, a lot of financial professionals think it is risky to rely on personal car insurance for business. Consider this: Do You Need Commercial Vehicle Insurance? The important thing is to check out your current policy. A small business auto policy does not need to be expensive, and it may be something you cannot afford to be without.

Also see: Do I Need Small Business Automobile Insurance?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Car Insurance For Younger Drivers

Ouch! Not too long ago, I got bitten by the premium rates for the newest driver in my household. That's why I wanted to give you some tips on car insurance for teenage drivers!

Young Driver Car Insurance Discount Tips

1. If your student driver has good grades, you may be able to shave 25% off for a good student driver discount!

2. Driver's safety courses usually earn credit. Make sure the course is approved with your company and do shop around for the best discounts.

3. Mutli-policy discounts usually help. If the parents put their own car insurance, home insurance, and the teen's car insurance with one family, it should help. But do not assume your old company is giving you the best break. Check around.

Get More Help: Student Driver Car Insurance

Monday, June 16, 2008

Best Way To Compare Car Insurance Quotes

As you probably know, insurance companies consider many factors when they are determining an individual's car insurance rates. They look at an applicant's age, driving history (or lack of it), and how much the car is driven. But they even go further. They look at the type of car, safety and anti-theft devices, and even an applicant's credit history!

When they look at all of these factors, they can either cause a standard rate to be rated up or discounted. But different insurance companies use a different scale, and the only way to find out who will give you the best deal is to ask everybody! But it will take a lot of effort to call around.

We are a big fan of online quote forms. Look here for the best car insurance quotes.